Monday, September 28, 2015

Grades 4 - 6 have two opportunities to read and vote for their favorite books. New Hampshire's Great Stone Face and Vermont's Dorothy Canfield Fisher Awards promote an assortment of recently published books. Visit the websites and learn more about these programs.

VT Dorothy Canfield Fisher Book Award

NH Great Stone Face Award
New Hampshire Ladybug Picture Book Award

This award is designed to promote early literacy and honor the best in recent children's picture books. A committee of children's librarians from around the state selects 10 picture book titles early in the year. Then, during November, New Hampshire children from preschoolers to those in third grade choose the award winner!
Visit NH Ladybug Award Website

Vermont Red Clover Picture Book Award

The Red Clover Award promotes the reading and discussion of the best of contemporary picture books in nearly all of Vermont's elementary schools. Each year over 20,000 K-4 students read, or have read to them, the ten nominated books. The Red Clover Award is co-sponsored by the Vermont Center for the Book / Mother Goose Programs and the Vermont Departments of Education and Libraries. 

Visit the VT Red Clover Award Website 

Thursday, September 3, 2015

Reading is an Investment

Students in kindergarten through 6th grades have the opportunity to learn about money and basic financial concepts. The goal of the program is to promote the teaching of personal finance by providing elementary schools with quality children's books that explore financial subjects and give tools to teachers and librarians that they can use to help kids make the connection between these stories and their individual lives. 

Each fall, participating elementary schools receive three new hardback books. Lesson plans and activities are included with the books to teach money concepts. At the same time, students are encouraged to participate in a personal financial literacy reading program. School librarians receive a recommended money reading list that highlights books that focus on basic financial concepts. Students who read at least three books from the list and complete personal reading requirements can send a completed reading log to the Treasurer's Office for entry in a statewide drawing for one of ten $250 accounts in the Vermont Higher Education Investment Plan -- Vermont's official 529 college savings plan.